



Another room we hadn’t planned on doing much to, but when the project ballooned at some point we decided to go ahead and tackle this one too. The main goals were to open up the space by removing the wall behind the mirror to connect the adjacent closet/office space. We also wanted to add insulation to keep it warmer in the winter.
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Adding tons of insulation.
Adding tons of insulation.
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Covering it all with drywall, and able to do it solo safely and easily thanks to that handy drywall lifter.
Covering it all with drywall, and able to do it solo safely and easily thanks to that handy drywall lifter.
Here you can see the wall removed and replaced with another beam.
Here you can see the wall removed and replaced with another beam.
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After taping and mudding.
After taping and mudding.
And finally painting.
And finally painting.
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